But Jesus Christ did not stay dead. God raised Jesus from the dead, and since then, Jesus has become the clear voice of righteousness who cannot be silenced. He calls on everyone to change their ways – to focus on God instead of the world's dancers, to focus on GOD'S promises instead of making our own promises based on pride, to desire relationship with God instead of desiring God's absence. Jesus does this by restoring relationships with God through his own sacrifice on the cross, and Jesus secures the promise of forgiveness for those turning away from the world's dancers. Jesus even brings back the half of God's kingdom that had been given up, the eternal half, so that Jesus' followers will have eternal life with God. Jesus foils Satan's plan, by dying, rising from the dead, and living within his followers, as their guide.
And as our guide, Jesus intervenes in our lives through the Holy Spirit that was promised to us, giving us wisdom and insight into God's will for us, and keeping our minds clear when the world's dancers hit the stage. In the Holy Spirit, we are taught to see right through Satan's plan, and avoid those rash promises which damage our relationship with God. And, we are given a beautiful vision in which, at the fullness of time, everything in heaven and on earth will be gathered up in Jesus, and we will live for the praise of his glory as God's own people.
Gracious God, we thank you for your Son Jesus, who sacrificed himself to restore us to you. Help us to reject the temptations of the world, and keep us from making commitments to pursue them, in Jesus name we pray, amen.